
Free Vst Reverb Convolution Best

  1. Free Vst Reverb Convolution Best Practices
  2. Free Vst Reverb Convolution Best Prices

Last Updated on December 15, 2020 by

It’s not the most youthful member of the convolution reverb party, but it has stood the test of time thanks to a reasonable balance of customisation options, expansive features and a light CPU load. If you want to try it out, the first version is available free for Windows users. The Sanford Reverb plugin is one of the best free reverbs around. It has a good set of factory presets and includes more adjustable parameters than some of the other free reverb plugins. It’s also easy on CPU usage. Sanford Reverb used to be a paid plugin for $35 but the developer has since released it as freeware. See also: Best FREE Convolution Reverb VST Plugins At its core, Inspirata is a convolution reverb. Like any other convolution reverb plugin, Inspirata uses pre-recorded impulse responses to simulate an acoustic space’s reverb characteristics. Our list of 21 best free reverb VST plugins: TAL-Reverb-4 (Windows/Mac, VST/AU) by Togu Audio Line is an easy-to-use reverb plugin drawn from the high quality reverb implemented in TAL-Sampler. It features a very diffuse and modulated vintage reverb sound, being capable of fast build up time, also with long reverb sounds.

Reverb plugins are more commonly used to give your tracksand mixes a sense of space.

But there are some other ones which can add personality,color, and even alter the sound of the source quite a lot.

In this post I will go over some of the best reverb plugins out there, as well as some really affordable alternatives to those, and even some free ones.

Let’s get straight to it;

Free Reverb Plugins

Some free plugins can actually be as good as premium ones,you just need to find the right ones.

I will only list three here since I already have an entire post on the best 15 FREE reverb vst plugins which you should definitely check out.

Spring Reverb Hotto Engineering (Windows, Mac)

Hotto Spring reverb is an incredibly simple, no-nonsensespring reverb that is super easy to use since it only features a coupleparameters which you can tweak.

The interface is intuitive and easy to use, and for being afree reverb vst plugin it actually does sound great!

Get Hotto here.

Looking for guitar VST/AU plugins? Here are the 21 best ones.

Ambience Reverb by Smartelectronicx (Windows, Mac)

Ambience Reverb not only comes with all the conventionalcontrols that all other reverbs provide, but it also features some other moreunconventional ones which definitely add to its versatility.

One of these features is the Gate button; This one will gatethe reverb and add a cool special effect.

Another one is the Hold Button, which allows you to hold thereverb in an infinite loop.

Some other useful features are; the EQ, Shape, and theDampening sections.

All in all, I think that this is an excellent freeware thateveryone should at least try out, especially since it could easily be a premiumplugin.

Get Ambience here.

Are you looking for a new DAW? Here’s a list of the best DAWs currently available!

Safe Reverb by Semantic Audio (Windows, Mac)

The whole point behind the SAFE plugins by Semantic Audio is to provide the user with an easier way to control the plugins by using semantic terms such as “warm, bright”, etc. to make the whole process more intuitive.

You just type the word in and it adjust the settingsautomatically.

On their website you will not only find a Reverb plugin, butalso an overdrive, EQ and Compressor.

Sure, none of these plugins are your traditional “dial everydetail in”-types of plugins since you can use semantic terms.

However, they all sound great and if you want to use it likea regular Reverb, you can…

You just have the added bonus of being able to use terms like“warm, bright, dull” etc.

Get Safe Reverb here.

Affordable Reverb Plugins

The upcoming reverb plugins on this list won’t be free, butalso won’t cost you a leg and an arm to get!

Related: Looking for Drum VST plugins? Here are the best ones.

XenoVerb by Audiority (Windows, Mac)

XenoVerb is a very versatile Reverb created by Audiority featuringboth classic and creative reverb algorithms which deliver a wide range ofreverbs.

The interface is extremely clean and easy to navigate whichis ideal for any beginner…

Plus, it’s super affordable.

So, if you’re just getting started with your musicproduction journey and want a premium reverb that won’t break the bank,definitely give XenoVerb a shot.

Get Xenoverb here.

Spring Reverb by Softube (Windows, Mac)

Softube is known for creating excellent plugins, some ofthem are even free like the One Knob Saturation plugin that I absolutely love.

You can find that one in my list of the best freeDistortion VST plugins.

What they tried to achieve when creating this plugin is toprovide an authentic, vintage spring reverb that resembles an original one asmuch as possible.

It is full of character, it’s super easy to use, and it evenlooks great…

What’s not to love?

Plus, it’s super cheap!

Get Spring Reverb here.

Little Plate by Soundtoys (Windows, Mac)

Little Plate was Inspired by the original EMT 140 platereverb, but with a couple added twists.

One of the differences between Little Plate and the EMT 140is that the original reverb could only handle up to 5 seconds of reverberationtime.

Little plate allows you to set the decay time to infinity,which means that the reverb tails never fade.

It also features a low-cut filter which will help you keepyour mixes clean, as well as a Mod Switch which ads modulation into the Reverbtail.

Get Little Plate here.

Related: Best Free delay VST Plugins.

Mutant Reverb by W.A. Production (Windows, Mac)

Mutant Reverb is a mono-to-stereo reverb plugin with abuilt-in ducker; perfect for vocals, percussion, synths and many otherapplications where you need precise control of reverb tails.

Adding reverb to sounds gives warmth, character and placesthe sound in a real-world space.

However, big problems arise when a reverb tail masks theclarity of the original signal, resulting in a muddy and undefined sound.

Here’s where you can duck the reverb processing out of theway of the original audio without any complicated side-chain routing.

You can even mute the original signal to listen only to theducked reverb effect in precise detail.

Mutant Reverb also offers Stereo Split processing with a reverbalgorithm that can turn a mono source into a stereo reverb signal.

Get Mutant Reverb here.

CRTIV Reverb 2 by Voxengo (Windows, Mac)

CRTIV Reverb 2 provides a wide palette of reverb spaceswhile requiring only a minimal effort to obtain useful results.

The tails created by this reverb are very dense and producea well-defined spatialization.

Since the reverb uses a kind of “true stereo” algorithm thepanned sounds receive a good stereo field placement.

It can be used on almost any instrument, mix, etc.

However, there is one drawback to this plugin…

It is very CPU intensive and it does require a high-endprocessor.

Get CRTIV Reverb 2 here.

Related: List of the Absolute bestFree VST plugins in the world.

Reverb by KiloHearts (Windows, Mac)

This reverb plugin is a “snapin”.

That means you can use it as a regular VST/AU plugin, or youcan use it with snapin hosts like Multipass and Snap Heap where you can combineeffects in various ways.

The plugin itself is super simple and straightforward, whichmakes it ideals for beginners who don’t want to spend too much money on just areverb plugin.

Get Reverb by KiloHearts here.

Springbox by PSP Audioware (Windows, Mac)

Free Vst Reverb Convolution Best Practices

PSP SpringBox is an emulation of a hardware springreverberator.

It recreates several features typical of a spring reverb anda selection of configurations from two to six springs total is provided, aswell as the ability to set stereo spread and pan/balance configured to suitvarious mix setups – from a typical guitar reverb to a creative use as a sendreverb in the mix.

What sets Springbox apart from other Spring Reverb vstplugins is the sheer number of controls provides you with.

This allows you to dial in every detail to perfection, andit can create from traditional and realistic vintage spring reverb sounds allthe way to extremely weird textures.

Get Springbox here.

Premium Reverb Plugins

Now, most of these are pretty expensive…

But they are the best of the best! So, if you truly want agreat reverb vst plugin… here you go!

EAReverb 2 by eaReckon (Windows, Mac)

EAReverb 2 features the “Natural” core engine of theoriginal EAReverb but also brings a plethora of new algorithms andfunctionalities accessible from a totally revised user interface.

Its former version, EAReverb, focused mainly on simulatingnatural environments, but EAReverb 2 is much more than that.

It features six different algorithms; Natural, Bright, AluBox, Auditorium, Plate, and Reverse…

As well as three operation modes; Pro Mode, SE Mode, and POSMode.

Get EAReverb 2 here.

Pro-R by FabFilter (Windows, Mac)

FabFilter Pro-R takes a musical approach to reverb, offeringuser-friendly, non-technical controls like Brightness, Character and Distanceto achieve the reverb sound you are looking for.

The stepless Space control lets you fade between dozens ofdifferent, carefully tuned room models, automatically choosing a matching decaytime for a natural-sounding result.

It is a highly customizable and great sounding plugin, andlike every other FabFilter plugin, it’s one I’d absolutely recommend.

There is also an integrated 6-band post-EQ, which allows youto completely shape the reverb in great detail.

The FabFilter plugins are one of the crowd’s favorites, andPro-R is definitely one of them.

Get Fabfilter Pro-R here.

TSAR-1 Reverb by Softube (Windows, Mac)

Softube is a company known for creating great qualityplugins, and TSAR-1 Reverb is one of them.

It’s not an emulation, nor stock design, or even a staticsnapshot of a space, but rather a modern reverb true stereo algorithm thatsounds very natural and real.

The number of presets it comes with is pretty high, and ifyou don’t find one that suits your needs exactly then you can adjust the reverbto your liking since the UI is extremely easy to understand because it onlyprovides you with a couple of faders and knobs.

Get TSAR-1 Reverb here.

Blackhole Reverb by Eventide (Windows, Mac)

Blackhole Reverb is a massive reverb plugin based on anEventide’s hardware stomp-box which, funny enough, shared the same name.

Most reverbs emulate real spaces or plates, but Blackhole isintended for creating more abstract special effects.

Basically, it allows you to create virtual spaces whichcould never exist in reality.

If you’re looking for a simple reverb that can will giveyour vocals, drums, or any other instrument in the mix, a subtle reverb effect,then Blackhole isn’t for you.

On the other hand, if you want a reverb plugin that can iscapable of creating some highly unusual sounds, then by all means… getBlackhole.

Get Blackhole Reverb here.

UltraReverb by Eventide (Windows, Mac)

With over 300 awesome presets and 9 high-end hardware-basedreverb algorithms, as well as compression, EQ, and delay…

UltraReverb is one of the more versatile reverbs out theretoday.


  • Halls, Chambers, Rooms, Plates, and Ambience derived from Eventide’s flagship hardware processor, the H8000 UltraHarmonizer®
  • Create acoustically natural or other-worldly environments
  • Packed with over 300 killer presets for mixing, mastering, post production, and sound design
  • Includes Artist Presets designed by top engineers and recording professionals

Get UltraReverb here.

SP2016 Reverb by Eventide (Windows, Mac)

The SP2016 was the first programmable studio rack processor.It introduced the concept of the ‘plug-in’ to the pro audio world back in 1982.

Free Vst Reverb Convolution Best Prices

This reverb effect was used by many great artists such as TalkingHeads, Adele, Mariah Carey, Eminem, and more.

Now, a couple decades later, this effect can be bought as aVST plugin.

It features six distinct reverbs; Room, Stereo Room, andHigh-Density Plate algorithms, each available in the Vintage and Modernversions.

The Vintage algorithms are true to the original box, all theway down to the bit-depth.

The Modern algorithms are brighter, more diffuse, and use ahigher bit-depth.

Get SP2016 here.


Some of these plugins come with a free trial, which meansthat you can try them out completely for free before putting down your money.

Depending on what kind of sound you’re going for, I’dsuggest that you pay close attention to the reverbs I mentioned that tend to beused as an entirely different effect and not just to recreate the sound of aroom.

I hope this information was useful!

Have a great day!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Spring Reverb?

A spring system has a transducer at one end of a spring and a pickup at the other.
It has a very distinctive sonic characteristic to it which is slightly darker, more metallic and edgier than the other reverb types.
At the time, spring reverb was frequently used for recording and it was commonly built into electric guitar amps since they’re pretty small and inexpensive to make.

What is a Plate Reverb?

Plate reverb is very similar to Spring reverb in the sense that it’s created by exciting a metal with a transducer.
It’s the typical sound of the age of analog recording.
They are not so common these days since in order to achieve this effect properly you need huge plates, which can be quite expensive.
Plate reverb blends well into the mix, which is why it’s so loved.

What is an Algorithmic Reverb?

Algorithmic reverbs are created digitally by using cascading digital delay signals.
This creates the illusion of space. However, it doesn’t sound super natural.

What is a Convolution Reverb?

The effect of a convolution reverb is created by measuring the reverberation of a real space with a microphone and an “impulse”.
How to install vst plugins ableton live 9. These impulse responses are sonic profiles that the plugin can then apply to the sound.

More music, less talk :

1. Knufinke SIR1 reverb plugin

More info and free download @ http://www.knufinke.de/sir/sir1.php

The well known free convolution VST reverb. Convolution reverb is a processing plugin that need an impulse response file. Impulse response is the response of a dynamic system when this system is feeded with an impulse. This gives (an approximation of) the transfer function of the system, the system can be a reverb unit, an open space, a room , etc.

The signal we send to the plugin is convolved with the transfer function of the system : the output is “like if we sent this signal in the modelized system)

The SIR1 reverb comes with two impulse response example, but of course you’ll need more than two impulse response files to cover a large variety of reverb (plate, spring reverb, cathedral, stadium, natural spaces, theater, small room, big room, etc.)

Magic of the internet ! you can find impulse response files ! and for free
Some nice free Impulse Response IR files can be found there :


2. Magnus Ambience Reverb

Ambience free reverb VST

more information and download @ http://magnus.smartelectronix.com/#Ambience

This one is an algorithmic VST reverb, it sounds nice, has a fresh and intuitive GUI : try it !!
We like the gate section, with little tweaks you can try to achieve that Phil Collins snare sound
gated reverb !!
The plugin comes with many factory presets, to show the versatility of this reverb.

3. DaSample Glaceverb

More infos and free download @ http://dasample.com/products/glaceverb/

This one is very special, it’s an algorithmic reverb processing VST, but with innovative and unusual algorithms. It tries to emulate the acoustic response of surfaces and materials. So you can try to have the sound of an acoustic space like water.
It can be great for creative effects, and make surreal ambience and great FX! With – nice -metalic sounds. Check the presets => some great presets with name that say it all : Alien Room, Airport, Metal Factory,

4. LiquidSonics’ Reverberate LE

Reverberate LE

More infos and free download @ http://www.liquidsonics.com/software_reverberate_le.htm

The light edition of Reverberate, this is a convolution reverb, it’s very good and can load the impulse response file in wav, ogg or flac format.
It comes with various presets & IR files in flac format.

5. SinusWeb FreeverbToo

More information and free download @ http://www.sinusweb.de/freetoo.html

FreeverbToo is a VST reverb plugin based on the Schroeder/Moorer algorithm. There are many implementation of the freeverb algorithm, and this one is one of the best.
The gate section is great and efficient for this gated reverb effects (on snare !)

Here’s the signal flow (picture from the freeverbtoo documentation) :

Listen to the reverb

Dry / Wet (Reverberate VST plugins with Cathedral IR)

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